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  1. title: Chromium Blog: Increasing HTTPS adoption
  2. url: https://adactio.com/links/18342
  3. hash_url: b4ec4748a73b23b195366a74a17444f9
  4. <p>At some point, you won’t be able to visit <a href="http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html">the first web page ever published</a> without first clicking through a full-page warning injected by your web browser:</p>
  5. <blockquote>
  6. <p>Chrome will offer HTTPS-First Mode, which will attempt to upgrade all page loads to HTTPS and display a full-page warning before loading sites that don’t support it. Based on ecosystem feedback, we’ll explore making HTTPS-First mode the default for all users in the future.</p>
  7. </blockquote>