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  1. title: Cheating Entropy with Native Web Technologies
  2. url: https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2020/cheating-entropy-with-native-web-tech/
  3. hash_url: 74eae1dc26bd4537941491b4e7e201bc
  4. <blockquote>
  5. <p>90% of my computer usage is updating computers. – Paul Ford, <a href="https://postlight.com/podcast">Postlight Podcast</a></p>
  6. </blockquote>
  7. <p>I have a number of old side projects which I occasionally have to revisit. The structure of these projects broadly falls under two categories:</p>
  8. <ol>
  9. <li>Ones I built with a mindset of having my starting point be the most basic, native web technology available. From that foundation, I enhanced functionality through layering on more sophisticated and experimental techniques, APIs, etc., where supported. All code was authored in vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. </li>
  10. <li>Ones I built with a mindset of having my starting point be abstractions of native web technology (frameworks, tooling, language sub/supersets).</li>
  11. </ol>
  12. <p>When I open an old project like number two (described above), I find entropy staring me back in the face: library updates, breaking API changes, refactored mental models, and possible downright obsolescence. An incredible amount of effort will be required to make a simple change, test it, and get it live.</p>
  13. <p>Conversely when I open an old project like number one (described above), I find myself relieved. A project authored in native web technologies, enhanced with an eye towards the future, with little or no tooling, leaves me facing few obstacles. Remove a couple shims that are no longer needed and that’s about it. Imagine that: you can remove code to update a project?</p>
  14. <p>The contrast between these two approaches has been on my mind as of late and spurred me to write down my thoughts.</p>
  15. <blockquote>
  16. <p>Any time you’re doing a side project, the first few days is really just fighting build tools, like “Okay, I wanted Sass, but now I’m stuck.” – Dave Rupert, <a href="https://shoptalkshow.com/432/">Shop Talk Show #432</a>:</p>
  17. </blockquote>
  18. <p>HTML 4 and HTML 5, CSS 2 and CSS 3, those numbers aren’t about semver and communicating breaking change. HTML 4 and HTML 5 is very different than Angular 1 and Angular 2. The promise of the web is that there are no breaking changes. HTML, CSS, and JS are, in a semver sense, still at version <code>1.x</code>. Whatever you wrote in 2018 or 2008 will still work. On the other hand, a project built on abstractions from native web technologies—frameworks, tooling, language sub/supersets—will contain innumerable dependencies with countless major version changes over time. Updating a single dependency often requires updating <em>everything</em>. Building on top of base web technologies, where possible, is a way to cheat the entropy and churn of modern web technology abstractions.</p>
  19. <p>This is why, over years of building for the web, I have learned that I can significantly cut down on the entropy my future self will have to face by authoring web projects in vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS. I like to ask myself questions like:</p>
  20. <ul>
  21. <li>Could this be done with native ES modules instead of using a bundler?</li>
  22. <li>Could I do this with DOM scripting instead of using a JS framework?</li>
  23. <li>Could I author this in CSS instead of choosing a preprocessor? </li>
  24. </ul>
  25. <p>The more I author code <em>as it will be run by the browser</em> the easier it will be to maintain that code over time, despite its perceived inferior developer ergonomics (remember, developer experience encompasses both the present <em>and the future</em>, i.e. “how simple are the ergonomics to build this now <em>and maintain it into the future</em>?) I don’t mind typing some extra characters <em>now</em> if it means I don’t have to learn/relearn, setup, configure, integrate, update, maintain, and inevitably troubleshoot a build tool or framework <em>later</em>.</p>
  26. <p>In my experience, authoring vanilla CSS using selectors that largely repeat is easier than more tersely authoring nested selectors but having to maintain Sass over time. </p>
  27. <p>Similarly, authoring vanilla JS without language transpilation, bundling, etc., is easier than building and maintaining something like Babel + Webpack over time.</p>
  28. <p>Take a moment and think about this super power: if you write vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS, all you have to do is put that code in a web browser and it runs. Edit a file, refresh the page, you’ve got a feedback cycle. As soon as you introduce tooling, as soon as you introduce an abstraction not native to the browser, you may have to invent the universe for a feedback cycle. No longer writing CSS and instead writing Sass? Now you need a development server with a build process to watch your files and compile your changes <em>just to develop and test your project</em>. You’ve just added a giant, blocking dependency for your project to work. And if you can’t get that dependency working, your project is dead in the water until you can—both now and in the future. </p>