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  70. <p>On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 11:08 AM Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
  71. &lt;lkml@metux.net&gt; wrote:</p>
  72. <blockquote>
  73. <p>And I know <em>a lot</em> of people who will never take part in this generic
  74. human experiment that basically creates a new humanoid race (people
  75. who generate and exhaust the toxic spike proteine, whose gene sequence
  76. doesn't look quote natural). I'm one of them, as my whole family.</p>
  77. </blockquote>
  78. <p>Please keep your insane and technically incorrect anti-vax comments to yourself.</p>
  79. <p>You don't know what you are talking about, you don't know what mRNA
  80. is, and you're spreading idiotic lies. Maybe you do so unwittingly,
  81. because of bad education. Maybe you do so because you've talked to
  82. "experts" or watched youtube videos by charlatans that don't know what
  83. they are talking about.</p>
  84. <p>But dammit, regardless of where you have gotten your mis-information
  85. from, any Linux kernel discussion list isn't going to have your
  86. idiotic drivel pass uncontested from me.</p>
  87. <p>Vaccines have saved the lives of literally tens of millions of people.</p>
  88. <p>Just for your edification in case you are actually willing to be
  89. educated: mRNA doesn't change your genetic sequence in any way. It is
  90. the exact same intermediate - and temporary - kind of material that
  91. your cells generate internally all the time as part of your normal
  92. cell processes, and all that the mRNA vaccines do is to add a dose
  93. their own specialized sequence that then makes your normal cell
  94. machinery generate that spike protein so that your body learns how to
  95. recognize it.</p>
  96. <p>The half-life of mRNA is a few hours. Any injected mRNA will be all
  97. gone from your body in a day or two. It doesn't change anything
  98. long-term, except for that natural "your body now knows how to
  99. recognize and fight off a new foreign protein" (which then tends to
  100. fade over time too, but lasts a lot longer than a few days). And yes,
  101. while your body learns to fight off that foreign material, you may
  102. feel like shit for a while. That's normal, and it's your natural
  103. response to your cells spending resources on learning how to deal with
  104. the new threat.</p>
  105. <p>And of the vaccines, the mRNA ones are the most modern, and the most
  106. targeted - exactly because they do <em>not</em> need to have any of the other
  107. genetic material that you traditionally have in a vaccine (ie no need
  108. for basically the whole - if weakened - bacterial or virus genetic
  109. material). So the mRNA vaccines actually have <em>less</em> of that foreign
  110. material in them than traditional vaccines do. And a <em>lot</em> less than
  111. the very real and actual COVID-19 virus that is spreading in your
  112. neighborhood.</p>
  113. <p>Honestly, anybody who has told you differently, and who has told you
  114. that it changes your genetic material, is simply uneducated. You need
  115. to stop believing the anti-vax lies, and you need to start protecting
  116. your family and the people around you. Get vaccinated.</p>
  117. <p>I think you are in Germany, and COVID-19 numbers are going down. It's
  118. spreading a lot less these days, largely because people around you
  119. have started getting the vaccine - about half having gotten their
  120. first dose around you, and about a quarter being fully vaccinated. If
  121. you and your family are more protected these days, it's because of all
  122. those other people who made the right choice, but it's worth noting
  123. that as you see the disease numbers go down in your neighborhood,
  124. those diminishing numbers are going to predominantly be about people
  125. like you and your family.</p>
  126. <p>So don't feel all warm and fuzzy about the fact that covid cases have
  127. dropped a lot around you. Yes, all those vaccinated people around you
  128. will protect you too, but if there is another wave, possibly due to a
  129. more transmissible version - you and your family will be at <em>much</em>
  130. higher risk than those vaccinated people because of your ignorance and
  131. mis-information.</p>
  132. <p>Get vaccinated. Stop believing the anti-vax lies.</p>
  133. <p>And if you insist on believing in the crazy conspiracy theories, at
  134. least SHUT THE HELL UP about it on Linux kernel discussion lists.</p>
  135. <p>Linus</p>
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