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  1. title: 2021.58 fiction until
  2. url: http://futurefire.net/2021.58/fiction/until.html
  3. hash_url: f3a292e38cc775f66adcd3e876baf082
  4. <p class="nav">
  5. <a href="http://futurefire.net/2021.58/index.html">[Issue 2021.58]</a>
  6. </p>
  7. <h2 id="d118e2203">
  8. <span id="d118e2205">‘Until a Hundred Generations of People Have Departed’, E. Saxey</span>
  9. </h2>
  10. <p class="quote">Illustrations © 2021 <a href="http://futurefire.net/artists/index.html#cmatthey">Cécile Matthey</a>
  11. </p>
  12. <hr class="divide">
  13. <p id="d118e2224">
  14. <img border="0" src="http://futurefire.net/images/cm-until1.jpg" class="wrapleft" alt=" [ Sandia tablet #1 in situ, ©2021 Cécile Matthey ] " title=" [ Sandia tablet #1 in situ, ©2021 Cécile Matthey ] ">
  15. <strong>Old English</strong>
  16. </p>
  17. <p id="d118e2233">Hwaet! Þēos moldstōw is ǣrende
  18. <br>innan mynegunga webbgeweorce.
  19. <br>Wē besendon þis wærword,
  20. <br>bealospell nīedmicel.
  21. <br>Wē beþōhton ūre þēode
  22. <br>þrȳþswīþe, unlȳtle eormenstrȳnde.</p>
  23. <p id="d118e2246">Hēr nis nān ellendǣd gemyndgod,
  24. <br>ne ealdgestrēon bedolfen
  25. <br>ne foresetl, ne frēolsstōw.
  26. <br>Wē forhtedon ond hatodon hwæt is hēr.</p>
  27. <p id="d118e2255">Þis bealospell warnaþ
  28. <br>þaet wælfȳr wiext
  29. <br>tō middewearde;
  30. <br>hēr rihtlīce is sēo ælemidde.
  31. <br>Wē hit hrusan heolstre bewrigon.
  32. <br>Hit hæfþ hēanesse ond langnesse.</p>
  33. <p id="d118e2268">Hēr wunað giet se wælcræft
  34. <br>nū swā swā on ūrum dagum.
  35. <br>Sēo frecennes frēcnaþ bānhūs
  36. <br>ond fordōn mǣg.
  37. <br>Sē bealo glēwþ,
  38. <br>brǣdeþ tō ūtwearde.
  39. <br>Gif gē delfen ond drefen
  40. <br>dryhtenbealu gē onbinden.</p>
  41. <p id="d118e2286">Forbūgaþ þās moldstōwe
  42. <br>ond manlēase þā gerȳmaþ</p>
  43. <hr class="divide">
  44. <p class="title">
  45. <img border="0" src="http://futurefire.net/images/cm-until2.jpg" class="" alt=" [ Sandia tablet #2 secondary deposit, ©2021 Cécile Matthey ] " title=" [ Sandia tablet #2 secondary deposit, ©2021 Cécile Matthey ] ">
  46. </p>
  47. <hr class="divide">
  48. <p id="d118e2302">
  49. <img border="0" src="http://futurefire.net/images/cm-until3.jpg" class="wrapright" alt=" [ Sandia tablet #3 draftsperson’s sketch, ©2021 Cécile Matthey ] " title=" [ Sandia tablet #3 draftsperson’s sketch, ©2021 Cécile Matthey ] ">
  50. <strong>Translation</strong>
  51. </p>
  52. <p id="d118e2310">Listen! This sepulchre is a message
  53. <br>Within a web of warnings.
  54. <br>We sent this warning,
  55. <br>A baleful, urgent message.
  56. <br>We thought our people
  57. <br>Exceedingly powerful, a great generation.</p>
  58. <p id="d118e2323">Here is no honourable deed commemorated,
  59. <br>Nor ancient treasure buried
  60. <br>Nor high seat of honor nor festival ground.
  61. <br>We feared and hated what is here. </p>
  62. <p id="d118e2333">This dire message warns
  63. <br>That deathly fire grows greater
  64. <br>Towards the middle;
  65. <br>Right here is the center.
  66. <br>We hid it in the darkness of the earth.
  67. <br>It has height and length.</p>
  68. <p id="d118e2346">The deadly power still dwells here
  69. <br>Now, just as in our time.
  70. <br>The danger threatens the body
  71. <br>And may kill
  72. <br>The malice glows,
  73. <br>Broadening outwards.
  74. <br>If you dig and disturb
  75. <br>You will unbind great misery.</p>
  76. <p id="d118e2364">Shun this tomb
  77. <br>And leave it uninhabited.</p>
  78. <hr class="divide">
  79. <p class="title">
  80. <img border="0" src="http://futurefire.net/images/cm-until4.jpg" class="" alt=" [ Sandia tablet #4 display, ©2021 Cécile Matthey ] " title=" [ Sandia tablet #4 display, ©2021 Cécile Matthey ] ">
  81. </p>
  82. <p class="quote">© 2021 E. Saxey</p>
  83. <p class="nav">
  84. <a href="http://futurefire.net/2021.58/index.html">[Issue 2021.58]</a>
  85. </p>
  86. <p>
  87. <a href="http://press.futurefire.net/2021/07/new-issue-202158.html">Comment on the stories in this issue on the TFF Press blog.</a>
  88. </p>